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Ferguson to come out of retirement for Carrick’s testimonial

Alex Ferguson to manage again. Read the details here.

Ferguson to come out of retirement for Carrick’s testimonial

Sir Alex Ferguson will return from retirement to once again direct Manchester United for Michael Carrick’s testimonial match in the summer at Old Trafford, the club website reports.

Ferguson retired in 2013 after two and half fruitful decades in football and although he has admitted that he currently enjoys life away from the press, he is still eager for one more strike with the wand.

“I still think the best bit will be seeing the players, to be honest with you.” He said. “No [I don’t miss managing]. I miss the big games of course but I made my decision and I’m enjoying it.

“I don’t have to worry about you lads or the agents or the press conferences and having to control that press secretary of mine!”

The last player to receive a testimonial match at Old Trafford was Wayne Rooney in the summer of 2016. Ferguson thinks United has remained one of the few clubs that can offer this to their players.

“I’m delighted Michael is getting a testimonial. It tells you Manchester United are probably the only club in England that can do that.

“Players tend to stay here a long time. We don’t have players here one minute and gone the next. If you go back to my time, most of the players stayed 10 years or more. I think we can be proud of that fact, being a family-type club.

“It encourages players to put roots here and enjoy it.”

Michael Carrick is currently one of the longest serving players to remain. He signed United in 2006 for a record-breaking fee and has never failed to impress in midfield. He has played 303 games for United and was a key member of the squad that won the Champions League in 2008.

Ferguson continues: “I read about what Michael’s intentions are [with the funds of this charity event] and I think it’s very honourable. I think he’s shown he’s prepared to share his success and his contribution to the charity, starting it himself, will be very, very worthwhile.”


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